Mountain trail




Hotaka mountain and Kappa bridge, Kamikochi, Nagano, Japan


What is Mountain Day

It is the only holiday established PUBLICLY, thus ​making us unique

Mountain Day is the only holiday that is ​recognized as a NATIONAL HOLIDAY RELATING ​TO NATURE

ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES has become one of ​our most challenging issues to face, thus ​Mountain ​Day takes important role in creating ​AWARENESS in society

Mount Aso


Japan is a Country that 70% of lands are covered by ​mountains / hills.

Our vision composes of protecting the environment as ​a whole.

We support in creating opportunities for nature bound ​activities to people, such as giving people the chance ​to reconsider the importance of nature and its need to ​be passed on to generations.

Mountain of autumn leaves



Tetsuzo Yasunari

Vice Chairman

Katsuhiko Kano

The Scientific Committee covers a wide range of fields that go beyond the boundaries of the traditional academic ​disciplines, including Earth Environmental science, Bioresource Conservations, Aquatic Environment, Biodiversity ​science, Exercise Physiology, Agricultual Economics, and regional research projects in South Asia and Himalayas.

Each member is highly regarded as a top scientist in their field.

Mountain of autumn leaves



Toru Nakashizuka

Maharjan Keshav Lall

Osamu Matsuda

Tsunetoshi Mizoguchi

Teiji Watanabe

Fukachi Furukawa

Masayoshi Yamamoto

Yoshiaki Tsuda

Fujisan with Yamanashi

Message from Chairman

Sadakazu Tanigaki

Chairman of Mountain Day Foundation

About ten years ago, a group of passionate nature lovers formed the ​​Mountain Day Establishment Council to create a national holiday ​​dedicated to mountains. With support from a bipartisan ​parliamentary ​league and sponsors, Japan officially designated ​Mountain Day as a ​national holiday in May 2014.

The National Mountain Day Foundation, established in 2016, continues ​​this legacy, driven by a deep love for mountains and nature. Every ​​August 11, the foundation hosts the Mountain Day National Ceremony ​​and supports various related events, aiming to raise public ​awareness ​of the significance of mountains.

Our mission now is to address environmental issues like declining ​​nature experiences for children, forest and water conservation, and ​​disaster prevention in natural areas. With renewed leadership and a ​​fresh approach, we are committed to these goals.

Japan is unique in having both Mountain Day and Marine Day as ​​national holidays. We hope this celebration encourages people to ​​reconnect with nature and appreciate the vital role mountains play in ​​our lives.